Board Minutes
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2025 Poland District Library Board Meeting Minutes
January 15, 2025
The regular monthly meeting of the Poland District Public
Library Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:30.
Present were Trustees Shauna Douglass, Shirley Dutcher,
Kathleen Fusco and Darlyne Przelski; also present treasurer
Joanna McKerrow. Absent were Trustee Jay Harkins and
Director Paula Johnson.
Treasurer McKerrow passed out her report; checks and
vouchers to be signed and an email from Sandy Lopata
further explaining the paycheck system MidYork offers
libraries, to be discussed at a future date. No update on
the proposed credit card. Joanna also reported that
MidYork informed her that all employees must be paid
bimonthly. Kathleen moved to accept seconded by Shirley
carried all ayes.
With regret the board accepted David Roberts
resignation letter knowing that it has to be signed. Shirley
moved to accept seconded by Kathleen carried all ayes.
The Board reviewed Paula’s notes. Postage on interlibrary
books requested by patrons is taxing our budget and will be
discussed again after we receive the bill from MidYork.
Kathleen reported on the “Sponsor a bookshelf” initiative
to raise money. The proceeds from this campaign will be
deposited in the checking account. She is also looking into
other fund raising ideas, thank you Kathleen. Shauna moved
to give Kathleen board support to proceed with her plan
seconded by Darlyne carried all ayes.
There was a discussion about the 2 vacancies on the
board and how to proceed: do we need more members right
now? Questions to ask prospective board members: why
would you like to be on the board, etc.? Potential board
members would be encouraged to attend meetings and get
to know the library.
Meeting adjourned 7:40.
Respectfully submitted
Darlyne H. Przelski
Poland District Public Library Secretary
2024 Poland District Library Board Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the January 22, 2024 Trustees Board Meeting
Vice President called the meeting of the Poland District Public Library to order at 6:30 with the following board members present: Jay Harkins, Shirley Dutcher, Nancy Crisino, Shauna Douglass, Kathleen Fusco and Darlyne Przelski; with treasurer Joanna McKerrow present and guest David Roberts.
Treasurer McKerrow passed out bank statements for review, checks and vouchers to be signed and her monthly report. a. She reported that $250 was donated in memory of Karen Thierry. A thank you will be posted on our Facebook page and website. b. The payroll app was discussed. Darlyne made a motion to move payroll to MidYork: all employees will now be paid by direct deposit. Seconded by Shauna carried all ayes. c. Shauna made a motion to move money to cover this into a new account at M&T to cover all expenses associated with payroll including, but not limited to: wages, taxes, disability, etc. Seconded by nancy carried all ayes
Having volunteers trained to work the circulation desk waas discussed. Kathleen and Shirley offered to be trained. When Anna, Kathleen's daughter and former employee, is free she will train them. This will ensure that we do not have to close on Saturdays because no one is available to work.
Joanna brought up that there are many other things that MidYork can do for us as part of the money we pay every year. She is going to call them and investigate, possibly having someone come to a meeting and explain what they offer.
The Stewart's Grant waas discussed: the deadline is the end of January and we need someone to write the grant. Darlyne offered to pick up the paperwork.
Next meeting will be February 20th, 6:30 at the Library. Meeting adjourned 8:15.
Respectfully submitted,
Darlyne Przelski, Secretary of the Poland District Public Library
February 20, 2024 Minutes of Board of Trustees Meeting
Vice President Jay Harkins called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Present were trustees: Jay Harkins, Shirley Dutcher, Nancy Crisino, Kathleen Fusco, Darlyne Przelski, absent Shauna Douglass; also present librarian Paula Johnson and David Roberts.
After a discussion Nancy made a motion to appoint David Roberts to fill the remainder of Jan Joslyn's term second by Shirley carried all ayes, Paula will give him the proper paperwork to fill out so he may be sworn in as a trustee. Welcome to the Board of Trustees David. Jay and Darlyne are up for reelection this year in May.
Vice President Harkins passed out checks and vouchers to sign, bank statements to be reviewed and the monthly report; Treasurer Joanna McKerrow was absent. There was also a discussion on the procedure for the new system of direct deposit for all employees.
"Paula's Notes" for February 2024 were discussed and explained. Hopefully we will continue to get monthly "Paula's Notes". They are very helpful keeping the board abreast of library happenings. Thank you Paula.
The construction grant was discussed. A signed contract is needed, Jay to contact Toff Fenton.
Our Facebook and website were discussed, thanks to Nancy and Kathleen for keeping them up-to -date.The Stewart's grant was discussed. Darlyne with assistance from Nancy, Paula, Jan Joslyn and husbn d Bernie filled it out and submitted it. We will know in March if we are to receive any money and how much.
The date of our next meeting will be decided after checking with Shauna and Joanna.
Meeting adjourned 7:35.
Respectfully submitted,
Darlyne H. Przelski, Secretary Poland District Public Library
Minutes of the March 18, 2024 Trustees Meeting
The regular meeting of the Poland District Public Library was called to order at 6:50. The following trustees were present: Jay Harkins, Shirley Dutcher, Nancy Crisino, Darlyne Przelski, Shauna Douglass, David Roberts and Kathleen Fusco; also present library treasurer, Joanna McKerrow.
Joanna passed around the checks and vouchers to be signed/initialed; her monthly treasurer's report for review and a copy of the annual report for review. She reported that she and Shauna completed the audit for NYS and MidYork. She is currently working with MidYork to resolve the problem with our payroll rejection by MidYork.
There was a lengthy discussion about the library having no policy in place for employee sick leave and/or extended leave. David made the following motion: in the event an employee has a crisis/catastrophic emergency, the board may authorize the continuance of pay/wages and flexibility of scheduling. Seconded by Kathleen, carried all ayes.
Joanna brought up the idea of a Community Closet in the cubbyhole under the stairs; she offered to help clean it out and reorganize. By moving the donated clothes/etc. down stairs it would eliminate the clutter in the entrance and give folks privacy to choose usable items. Shauna moved to start this after construction was completed in the cellar, Jay seconded carried, all ayes.
The construction grant was discussed and explained. Darlyne brought up the idea of taking some some of the money from the Robens' donation to pay for the new windows and later put up a small plaque to acknowledge their generosity. This would free up some money in the grant and assure that more things could be completed. This suggestion was well received and will be implemented.
Nancy passed out a suggestion and rationale for keeping the Libray open every Thursday night until 8PM. This will be discussed at the April meeting. Nancy wanted to give the board time to think about her suggestion.
Next meeting will be April 23, 6:30 PM downstairs in the Library. Meeting adjourned 7:45 PM.
Respectively submitted,
Darlyne H. Przwelski, Secretary, Poland District Public Library
Minutes of the April 21, 2024 Regular Board Meeting
The regular meeting of the Poland District Public Library was called to order at 6:35. Trustees present: Jay Harkins, Shirley Dutcher, Nancy Crisino, Darlyne Przelski, Shaun Douglass, David Roberts and Kathleen Fusco; also present was our treasurer Joanna McKerrow.
Joanna passed around bank statements for review, the Budget to annual sheet and checks and vouchers to be signed/initialed. She was asked about the status of direct deposit of paychecks: still working on it. See explained how Mary Bartlett was paid. Shauna made a motion giving Joanna permission to transfer the minimum money necessary to eliminate maintenance fees on our M&T account, seconded by Kathleen carried all ayes. Shirley made a motion to give Paula $1,500 to restore the book budget: this money would come from the interest received from our cd; seconded by Nancy and carried all ayes.
Kathleen made a motion that the library not accept any petitions from outside groups; seconded by Nancy carried all ayes.
This fall the board would like a representative from Mid York come to a meeting and explain all the services they offer.
The board very much appreciates the efforts of our wonderful volunteers and thank you notes will be sent out.
The difference in pay rates for our summer help was discussed and how to equalize pay. Questions were asked about the NYS passes for state parks: how many? How to make sure that they are returned? And more....
The board decided not to participate in Poland Village Wide Garage sale this year.
Jay brought up the need for an "acting vice president" as he was going to have his knee replaced. Shirley made a motion for Darlyne to act as vice president during Jay's absence, seconded by Nancy and carried all ayes.
Opening Thursday nights 5 - 8 was discussed, the board is in favor of this, but has questions: this will be discussed again next month. Darlyne suggested trying it from September to Christmas and keep track of the number of patrons each Thursday. That way it can be publicized all summer: perhaps at the lawn sale and ice cream social, etc.
Next meeting will be May 21st, 6:30 PM
Meeting adjourned 8:05
Respectfully submitted
Darlyne Prezelski, Secretary
Minutes of the May 21, 2024 Board of Trustees Meeting
The regular monthly meeting of the Poland District Public Library was called to order at 6:30; trustees Shirley Dutcher, Nancy Crisino, David Roberts and Darlyne Przelski were present; also present was Director Paula Johnson; trustee Shauna Douglass arrived later; absent trustees Kathleen Fusco and Jay Harkins, treasurer Joanna McKerrow.
"Paula's Notes" were discussed; overdrive billing was explained; at the recent election Trustee Darlyne Przelski was elected to a 3 year term and Trustee Harkins to a 5 year term; the new construction grant was discussed and explained; Kim Tucker has graciously offered to write the Community Foundation Grant application for the board, if successful the money would be used to "spruce up" the children's area in the original basement. Summer passes to various attractions in the area were discussed and tabled until more information is available. Also discussed: summer hours; Saturdays in June workers; lawn sale this summer during library hours; summer reading program "All Together Now"; a list of all summer entertainers was given out with dates of performances; the ice cream social was discussed, the secretary will contact Kyle Riecker's availability to DJ; the paper towel holder in the new bathroom needs attention; Nancy offered to pick up a new vacuum cleaner, the current one is not working well; David offered to pick up 2 new garbage cans; the new "APP" from Mid York - Nancy & Paula were trained on it's usage; May Hall is continuing story hour; April 30 and May 9.
Treasurer Joanna McKerrow was not present; she left her report, bank statements for review, checks and vouchers to be signed. She was called, she answered questions and explained the status of direct deposit and employees.
Our next meeting will be June 18th, 6:30 in the library. The date of the ice cream social is July 17th, 6:30 -8
Meeting adjourned 8:00
Respectfully submitted,
Darlyne Przelski, Secretary, Poland District Public Library
Minutes of the June 25th Meeting of the Board of Trustees
The regular monthly meeting of the Poland District Public Library was called to order at 6:30. Present were: Jay Harkins, Nancy Crisino, Darlyne Przelski, Shauna Douglass, David Roberts, Kathleen Fusco; also present was librarian Paula Johnson; absent Shirley Dutcher and treasurer Joanna McKerrow.
Checks and vouchers were signed no treasurers report was handed out. The paycheck situation was discussed and the board decided not to implement anything until after the first of the year and MidYork has decided what system they are going to adopt.
The board then discussed "Paula's Notes":
a. the board does not see s need for a charging station at this time,
b. park passes were again discussed and the board decided to wait and see if there was a demand for more passes
c. equalizing pay for the summer aides was discussed and the board decided that it couod not legally do anything
d. the summer reading program was discussed there are lots of prizes for children to win and many raffles
e. the Community Grant was discussed. Mary Hall will be ordering things when she returns from her trip. This grant will enhance the down stairs children's area. Thanks to our grant writer
f. Paula has applied for money from the "Love Your Library Fund" managed by NY State. Last year we qualified and received $166, good luck Paula
g. Mary Hall will continue story times in the summer, too
h. There was a lengthy discussion about displaying handmade crafts/goods that are foe sale in the library. Paula is going to check with other libraries for a form for the crafters to sign.
i. Kathleen gave an update on the butterfly garden. She told us about the many kinds of milkweed and her hopes for the garden. Good luck Kathleen.
j. Paula needs some new brooms; Jay offered to get them for her.
k. Beth Denhoff added a solar reading light rabbit to the front flowerbed. Thanks Beth.
l. Paula mentioned the need for a computer person to come in to answer questions & help with problems was discussed. Folks using the computers are asking Paula MANY questions: some she can answer, all take her away from her librarian work.
Paula passed out new bookmarks with the summer hours and a list, with dates, for all summer entertainers, we are lucky enough to have 8 programs for the children/families this summer.
The ice cream social was discussed: Shirley will get the ice cream from Stewart's, Jay and Darlyne will scoop ice cream, Nancy and Shauna will take down the tables and chairs and clean up, Nancy and Kathleen will sell 50/50 tickets and raffle tickets. The ice cream social will be from 6-8 PM, July 17th with Kyle Riecker as DJ.
Our next meeting will be July 23rd, 6:30 PM downstairs in the library
Meeting adjourned 7:45
Respectfully submitted,
Darlyne Przelski, Sceretary, Poland District Punlic Library
Minutes of the July 23rd Board of Trustees Meeting
The regular meeting of the Poland District Public Library was called to order at 6:43PM at the library. Present: vice president Jay Harkins; trustees Kathleen Fusco, Shauna Douglass, Nancy Crisino; the following trustees were absent: Shirley Dutcher, David Roberts, and Darlyne Przelski. Also absent were Paula Johnson and Joanna McKerrow.
The treasurer's rep[ort waas given: checks & vouchers signed and bills were received and signed. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding "book keeping" and if new soft ware was needed to be purchased, several types were mentioned. Or go with an online service. Pros ans cons of each type were discussed; no decision was made.
Paula updated the board on the library mails system: Mid York will now handle the interlibrary books coming to Poland, then they will bill back the postage to us.
Paula's personal memo was discussed at length: this would involve hiring Stephanie as a paid aide. This woulld not conflict with her county job. There is enough money available to pay Stephanie for 47 hours, at minimum wage from July to September 30th. Kathleen moved to accept the recommendation seconded by Shauna carried all ayes.
Then Paula's notes were then discussed.
As discussed at the last meeting a thank you will be sent to Beth Denhoff for her diligence in keeping the flowers around the library looking beautiful. Shauna offered to get a gift card to her favorite restaurant; free will donations will be collected at the library and a card to sign.
The Kanata Garden Club has offered to have to have the Memorial Bench refinished by a professional. Beth is in charge of this project.
MidYork requested a yes/no vote on their Overdrive Program from each library. We voted yes and it was done electronically.
Our next meeting will by August 27, 2024 at 6:30PM downstairs in the library.
Meeting adjourned 7:56PM.
Minutes taken by Trustee Nancy Crisino, transcribed by the Secretary Darlyne Przelski
Minutes of the September 17th Board of Trustees Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM, with the following Trustees present: Jay Harkins, Shirley Dutcher, Nancy Crisino, Darlyne Przelski, Kathleen Fusco, Shauna Douglass and David Roberts.
Mid York Assistant Director Rob Sporing gave us an overview of MidYork services and answered MANY questions. Rob explained the FOIL request procedure.
At 7:30 we began our meeting.
The new Community Foundation grant was discussed and the board decided that we would pass on this as the time is short and the board would require additional time. Shauna volunteered to call Kim and explain.
The voucher from Paula was discussed and she will provide the necessary items.
Personnel was discussed.
Meeting adjourned 9 PM. Next meeting will be Sept. 24th, 2024.
Respectfully submitted,
Darlyne Przelski, Poland District Public Library Secretary
Minutes of the September 24th, Board of Trustees Meeting
The Meeting of the Poland District Public Library was called to order at 6:30. Present were Board mebers Jay Harkins, Shirley Dutcher, Nancy Crisino, Darlyne Przelski, Kathleen Fusco, Dave Roberts and Shauna Douglass; also present: Paula Johnson, director and Joanna McKerrow, treasurer.
The board discussed "Paula's Notes":
a. the board is asking each tutor to fill out a new application every year
b. the board is happy to have a local man, Jerry Schaffer, do a book signing Oct/Nov
c. the board approved the equipment loan agreement designed by Dave Roberts
d. the FOIL request is being completed by Joanna, Jay &
Dave, thank you
e. wagon raffle is going well
f. Paula's new office blinds were installed and look wonderful. Thank you, Kathleen
g. everything else was for information, thank you Paula for keeping us updated.
Shauna reported that she called Kim and Kim is willing to write a grant for us in the future.
Joanna passed around the bank statements for review, checks and vouchers to be signed and her report.
The board then began working on balancing the budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year. After much discussion the board went into executive session at 8:45 to discuss personnel and salaries' The board came out of executive session at 9:10. Nancy made a motion to accept the budget seconded by Kathleen carried all ayes.
Meeting adjourned 9:20
Next meeting will be October 22
Respectfully submitted,
Darlyne Przelski, Polajnd District Public Library Clerk
Minutes of the October 22, 2024 Poland District Public Library Board
The regular meeting of the Poland District Public Library was called to order at 6:36; present were Jay Harkins, Kathleen Fusco, David Roberts, Nancy Crisino, Shauna Douglass and Librarian Paula Johnson. Absent were Trustees Shirley Dutcher and Darlyne Przelski and treasurer Joanna McKerrow.
Checks, vouchers and bank statements were signed and reviewed. No progress being made on M&T credit card for Paula. Jay is going to ask Joanna to cut a $100 check for petty cash. A mistake was made in the budget: the library received $1000 from Stewart's to fund the summer reading program, not the $750 that was put in the budget. Jay will let Joanna know of the mistake so ir can be corrected. There was a discussion about Joanna's contract. No motion was passed to draw up a new contract.
David brought 2 fund raising ideas : a road rally and a bookicase sponsorship. Both were discussed no mpotion made to implement or look into further.
Paula's Notes:
a. Shauna will look into our tax check from PCS
b. A check from NYS was received for the Initial Construction Grant; this money will be put in the Capital Fund account.
c. Halloween hours were discussed, library to close at 5PM
d. The library will have children's free meal tickets for Texas Road House to pass out.
e. Story time will continue in Nov. & Dec.
f. So far in 2024 books from 36 stated have been requested and received.
g. Thanksgiving hours were discussed: the library will be closed Thanksgiving weekend (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) as it has been in the past
h. Paula gave the board the Thursday and Saturday usage.
Meeting adjourned, no date set for the November meeting and no motions made.
Minutes taken by Nancy Crisino, and then transcribed by Darlyne Przelski, thank you Nancy.
Respectfully Submitted,
Darlyne H. Przelski, Poland District Public Library Secretary
Minutes of the November 26th, 2024 Board of Trustees Meeting
The regular monthly meeting of the Poland District Public Library was called to order at 6;35 with the following board members present: Jay Harkins, Nancy Crisino, Kathleen Fusco, Dave Roberts, Shauna Douglass and Darlyne Przelski; absent board member Shirley Dutcher and treasurer Joanna McKerrow
Checks and vouchers were passed out for signing, bank statments for review and the treasurer's report for review. Nancy moved to accept seconded by Shauna carried all ayes. Joanna sent a note stating that she would not be able to make any meetings for a few months; Jay is going to contact her for an alternative meeting night. Shauna made a motion stating that Jay, as vice president, would be the designated signer of the M&T credit card seconded by David carried all ayes.
Paula's notes discussed:
a. PCS tax check was received Nov. 23rd
b. Shopping with Mrs. Claus was discussed and jobs were assigned
c.Thanksgiving library hours okayed
d. Christmas hours discussed and tabled until next meeting
e. Stewart's grant discussed, Darlyne volunteered to write it again with help from Nancy
f. Another local volunteered to do a book signing in April. Jamie Farrington wrote a trilogy "A Different Life" about US Marshalls. He also donated a set to the library.
g. Our last book signing by Mr. Schaffer, was a success: there were over 25 people in attendance
h. Paula is planning on starting a book club after the holidays
i. The library received a donation in memory of Marguerite Herring.
j. MidYork has a new director: Mandy Travis. They are planning a Lego contest in spring.
Our next meeting is December 17, 6:30 PM at the library.
Respectfully submitted,
Darlyne Przelski, Poland District Public Library Secretary
December 17, 2024
The regular monthly meeting of the Poland District Public
Library was called to order at 6:30 PM at the library.
Present were the following members: Jay Harkins,
Shirley Dutcher, Kathleen Fusco and Darlyne Przelski;
absent David Roberts, Nancy Crisino, Joanna McKerrow
and director Paula Johnson.
The board reluctantly accepted Nancy Crisino’s
Checks and vouchers were signed and bank statements
were reviewed. There was much discussion about having
an unbalanced budget and ways to get more money.
Paula’s notes were discussed:
a. Jay enlightened the board about the Paycheck
direct deposit system. As of right now it is not
feasible for the board to enter into an agreement
with Mid York on this.
b. Library holiday hours: closed Dec. 23-27; open Dec.
30; closed Dec. 3, January 1-2; open January 3-4.
c. Thursday night hours were discussed, Kathleen
moved to eliminate being open Thurs. night and
shorten Saturday hour from 10-1, to 10-12
seconded by Shirley carried all ayes.
Jay will call Mary Bartlett to let her know about
the shortened hours. And ask her to continue her
Saturday duties.
d. Darlyne suggested that the money that was used
to pay for the extended hours be used to give
Paula a paid aide 4 hours/week. Board agreed.
Jay reported that Todd should be able to start the
grant work late February early March of 2025.
Fund raising ideas were discussed; Kathleen is checking
some things out for us.
Next meeting will be January 15. 2025.
Respectfully submitted,
Darlyne H. Przelski
Poland District Public Library Secretary